Public Offer of Shares

The Prospectus was issued in relation with the:

Public offer of 206,855 shares:

  • ordinary bearer shares of B-series (156,855) with a nominal value of PLN 10 each
  • ordinary bearer shares of D-series (50,000) with a nominal value of PLN 10 each


Admission to trading on the regulated market of A-, B-, C- and D-series shares as well as rights to D-series shares.

The public offer of D-series shares is issued based on the Resolution No. 07/09/07 of the Special General Shareholders’ Meeting of ZBM “ZREMB-CHOJNICE” S.A. (JSC) as of September 10, 2007. and carried out by means of an open subscription as referred to in art. 431 § 2 item 3 of the Code of Commercial Companies.

The price of share was set by the Board of Directors together with the Supervisory and the Introducer and amounted to PLN 130 per one share.

Subscriptions for shares were accepted from April 9 to 11, 2008 at the Customer Service Point of the Offeror and participants of the distribution consortium (listed in the Attachment 5 to the Prospectus).

Public Offer Schedule.

With the resolution of the Special General Shareholders’ Meeting, with the decision of the Board of Directors that was acting pursuant to the authorization granted in Resolution No. 07/09/07 of the Special General Shareholders’ Meeting as of September 10, 2007, and with the decision of the Introducer, the following schedule for building the Book of Demand, accepting subscriptions for shares and other activities subordinated to conducting the Offer of Shares was established:

Until April 8, 2008 – making the share price public;

April 9, 2008 – opening subscriptions/sale of shares;

April 9 to 11, 2008 – accepting subscriptions;

April 15 to 16, 2008 – possible acceptance of subscriptions from Investors selected by the Board of Directors and the Introducer;

until April 16, 2008 – closing subscriptions/sale.

On April 18, 2008 the Management Board of the Issuer allocated 50,000 shares of the new D-series issue

No subscriptions were made for A-, B-, C-series shares.

The shares were introduced to public trading on the parallel market on April 25, 2008.