ul. Przemysłowa 15
89-620 Chojnice, Polska
+48 52 396 5 7 10

Art. 17 (1) MAR – confidential information
The Management Board of Zakład Budowy Maszyn “ZREMB-CHOJNICE” S.A. (“Issuer”, “Company” ) regarding current report No. 48/2021 of November 24, 2021, informs that today, i.e. December 10, 2021, it has entered into an agreement with a company operating on the Polish and international market, based in Poland, providing solutions for the protection of classified and sensitive information and solutions from the area of special production (“Partner”), concerning cooperation in the field of acquiring by the Issuer in the area of Scandinavia ( Norway, Sweden, Finland ) potential orders for the Partner.
Under the agreement in question, the parties specified the terms and conditions of cooperation, including remuneration for orders acquired by the Issuer for the Partner. The remuneration specified in the agreement was determined on market terms and is a remuneration dependent on the net value of the contract acquired by the Issuer. The agreement was concluded for an indefinite period, with the possibility of termination by either party with 3 months’ notice.
In addition, the parties agreed that if the scope of the order partly corresponds to the Issuer’s production capacity and product offer, the parties envisage cooperation in such a case, by way of outsourcing part of the execution of the acquired order to the Issuer. In each case referred to above, the subject of possible cooperation and its terms and conditions will be determined by the Parties through separate agreements.
The remaining terms of the agreement in question and the risks associated with it, do not differ from the terms commonly used on the market, for this type of agreement.
Information on the signing of the cooperation agreement is considered important for the Issuer, due to the prospects of further cooperation with the Partner and the potential significant impact on the market situation and development prospects of the Issuer.
Date Name Position/Function Signature
2021-12-10 Krzysztof Kosiorek-Sobolewski President of the Management Board
2021-12-10 Marcin Garus Vice President of the Management Board
ul. Przemysłowa 15
89-620 Chojnice, Polska
+48 52 396 5 7 10