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52/2023 Adoption by the Management Board of a resolution concerning the determination of detailed terms and conditions for the subscription of Series K Shares

Art. 56 (1) (2) of the Act on Offering – current and periodic information.

The Management Board of Zakład Budowy Maszyn “ZREMB-CHOJNICE” S.A. based in Chojnice _”Issuer”, “Company”_ informs that on December 14, 2023. The Issuer’s Management Board, acting based on the authorization granted under Resolution No. 20 of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company dated June 21, 2021, on amending the Company’s Articles of Association concerning authorization of the Management Board to increase the Company’s share capital within the authorized capital with the exclusion of preemptive rights of existing shareholders, adopted a resolution on increasing the Company’s share capital within the authorized capital and decided to offer for private subscription 300. 000 new series K ordinary bearer shares with a par value of PLN 0.50 each _further referred to as “Shares” or “Share”_, with an issue value of PLN 3.30, with the exclusion of preemptive rights to the new issue Shares by existing shareholders.

The offer to purchase series K shares was addressed by the Issuer’s Management Board to Polski Holding Rozwoju S.A. w organizacji with its registered seat in Warsaw _”PHR”_. Following the addressed private offer, PHR is entitled to acquire 300,000 _three hundred thousand_ shares with a total nominal value of PLN 150,000 _hundred and fifty thousand_.

At the same time, by the resolution in question, the Issuer’s Management Board set a deadline for PHR S.A. to accept the offer made and to submit an appropriate statement in this regard, until 30.01.2024, and set a deadline for making payments for series K shares identical to the deadline for accepting the offer, i.e. until 30.01.2024 at the latest.

Legal basis: § 5 item 9 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of March 29, 2018 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state _Oct. 2018, item 757_.


14-12-2023Krzysztof Kosiorek-SobolewskiPresident of the Board
14-12-2023Marcin GarusVice President of the Board